Privacy Policy

We give utmost respect for your privacy and secured transaction. At Coding Doctors, we always respect the privacy of our clients and site visitors. We never condone spam regardless of its origination and take strict measures to fix it all. Additionally, we will never sell, share, rent or give away your private and/or personal information. Your personal detail including name, address, phone number, fax number, credit card number, bank account details, e-mail address etc. to a third party unless you specifically authorize us to do so or unless we are legally ordered to disclose this information.

We never send unsolicited e-mail messaging to our clients, customers and site visitors. All the details and information about Company, products, services and technical updates will only be sent to you if you have specifically approved us to do so. We can e-mail you technical information only if you are registered with us and have purchased products or services from us.
For preventing unauthorized access to delicate customer and client data, we use strict security processes and procedures when preserving your information or carrying out an authorized transmission of your personal information to a genuine third party sanctioned by you. As a registered user of our entity, you have complete power over and access to your own profile and are free to edit or delete this information when necessary. 

We keep updating our privacy policy from time to time and we recommend that you visit our site and go through this page often to learn about our privacy policy. If any changes are being imposed, we will present the changes on our website and on the home page to enlighten you the latest update that a new privacy policy has been implemented. We may also contact you personally to let you know about the new changes incorporated by us.

Please use our Contact Us link at our site for any clarification or additional information. We hope you are satisfied with our privacy policy.

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